Dont miss out!!

Gender-neutral toys

We’ve done the searching for stereotype-free products, so you don’t have to!

Products that match your kid’s personality, not their gender.

Simply Gender Free is your one-stop shop for gender-free kids’ clothes, toys, and books.

So often kids products are targeted just at boys… think, train sets, doctor dress up etc etc… or just targeted at girls, like dolls and unicorns.

Of course we believe ALL TOYS are for BOTH GIRLS AND BOYS, but sometimes you want something specific, like a chemistry set with a girl on the packaging, or maybe you want a blue doll pushchair.

These things are difficult to find, so we’ve done the hard work for you, and found kids products without a gender stereotype.

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“Boy toys” for girls

Toys usually only marketed at boys

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Gender neutral toys

Toys with unisex colours or neutral packaging

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Dinosaur toys “for girls”

Not just green and blue dinos

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STEM toys with girls on the box

Why should they miss out on learning??

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Dolls and pushchairs “for boys”

Boys on the packaging, or colours other than pink

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Role play toys with no stereotype

Nurse, train driver, firefighter – unisex dress-up

Our pick of the best dinosaur-themed toys
Books for boys and girls



♥ we’re always looking for ways to support small or local businesses ♥

If you sell kid’s products, that you think our members would like, please get in touch.

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Hate gender stereotypes?

We’re a group of like minded parents who want our kids to live without limits.

We’d hate for you to miss out!

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